
Jag Wessar pennan igen

På Wesfronten inget nytt, säger du? Det stämmer inte. Wes ska ju, som bekant inte bara få Visionary Award på Stockholm filmfestival utan han kommer också hit för att hämta priset personligen. Yes!
Jag ska naturligtvis göra allt jag kan för att få trycka hans hand (igen, vill jag tillägga).
Som att skaffa presspass (check!) och vara moderator på ett Face2Face-seminarium (check!).

Men det var inte alls det som var nyheten, eftersom jag vetat detta länge.
Hur kan jag ha vetat det länge?
Jo, för att det är jag som skrivit om Wes i filmfestivalens programtidning. BOY har det varit svårt att hålla tyst om det! Men nu kan jag ta bladet från munnen, äntligen, och fortsätta the eternal lovebombing.

Är jag ensam om att tycka att han är en king among men? Tydligen inte.

Etiketter None

  • Anonymous, 11:03 pm October 27, 2007:

    Hi Caroline

  • Anonymous, 11:03 pm October 27, 2007:

    Hi Caroline

  • Caroline Hainer, 9:37 am October 28, 2007:


  • Caroline Hainer, 9:37 am October 28, 2007:


  • Anonymous, 12:32 pm October 29, 2007:

    It’s Jimmy here. We met back in the ’90s. Hope all’s well!

  • Anonymous, 12:32 pm October 29, 2007:

    It’s Jimmy here. We met back in the ’90s. Hope all’s well!

  • Caroline Hainer, 4:17 pm October 29, 2007:

    I know a Jimmy from the 90’s? Intriguing! Tell me more! (No irony)

  • Caroline Hainer, 4:17 pm October 29, 2007:

    I know a Jimmy from the 90’s? Intriguing! Tell me more! (No irony)

  • Anonymous, 5:09 pm October 29, 2007:

    We met up in Stockholm when I came up from the Netherlands. I was starting a sound engineering course and I think you were soon to be heading to the UK

  • Anonymous, 5:09 pm October 29, 2007:

    We met up in Stockholm when I came up from the Netherlands. I was starting a sound engineering course and I think you were soon to be heading to the UK

  • Caroline Hainer, 5:21 pm October 29, 2007:

    Ah, cool! Hi Jimmy! I hope all is well. I was off to Belfast, no? Or Dublin?
    Nice hearing from you, I hope you are still rocking and rolling!

  • Caroline Hainer, 5:21 pm October 29, 2007:

    Ah, cool! Hi Jimmy! I hope all is well. I was off to Belfast, no? Or Dublin?
    Nice hearing from you, I hope you are still rocking and rolling!

  • Anonymous, 8:42 pm October 29, 2007:

    Err, I thought it was Reading but could be wrong. Yeah, released a couple of CDs. Sold about 4!!

  • Anonymous, 8:42 pm October 29, 2007:

    Err, I thought it was Reading but could be wrong. Yeah, released a couple of CDs. Sold about 4!!

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