Junket igår med Bradley Cooper som jag inte trodde skulle vara mycket att hänga i julgranen men som visade sig vara värsta charmtrollet. Får intrycket av att han är en trevlig och sympatisk man. Jag tror mina förutfattade meningar bygger på den idiot han spelade i Wedding Crashers. Shame on me.
Det drog ut på tiden så de högljudda kring bordet roade sig med att skvallra. Amerikanen berättade om allt fuffens som pågår vid Oscarsröstningarna. Som att han har polare som röstar åt sina chefer för att cheferna inte orkar se alla filmer. Som varför Jeff Bridges och K. Bigelow kommer att vinna i år (“Det är bestämt att det är Jeffs tur nu, och att man behöver ge regipriset till en kvinna”).
Italienskan frågade sen Bradley en galen fråga om “Why do you become actor. You like acting but there is special reason, aha?“. Det är så hon snackar, men Bradley ryckte till lite rart, som om hon anklagade honom för något.
Jag fick en brun munkjacka som det står A-TEAM på ryggen på. Kände mig inte lite töntig som satte den på mig eftersom det var iskallt i rummet av all air-conditioning.
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- Postad 2010-03-06
- av Jazzhands
- Kategori Uncategorized
- Kommentarer: None
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Anonymous, 5:58 am March 14, 2010:
So, let me get this straight. You sit in roundtables, never open your mouth, which is why I guess you can criticize other people’s accents because no one has ever heard you speak.  Do you understand the term ‘foreign press’ i.e. EVERYONE has an accent? So, then you go home  (on the bus, no less!)  and write disparaging (look It up) comments about people while hiding behind your own funny little obscure language no one can understand?  I’m sure your countrymen must be very proud of you perpetuating the image of the timid little mouse who in reality is a vitriolic snake like some of your other Swedish colleagues in LA pretending to be’legitimate’ journalists. I hope you have a Plan B concerning your income – publicists will be thrilled to see how you utilize these junkets. And very brave of you to comment on other people’s appearance when we can see pictures of what you look like. Obviously, you have a good sense of humor! You’ll need it.  I’m sure you’ll be very popular when you enter the next hospitality suite – your blog is being circulated as a warning to other journalists who have the misfortune to sit with you on roundtables, so that they will be aware that, in fact, they are the subject of your next story.   Â
Anonymous, 5:58 am March 14, 2010:
So, let me get this straight. You sit in roundtables, never open your mouth, which is why I guess you can criticize other people’s accents because no one has ever heard you speak.  Do you understand the term ‘foreign press’ i.e. EVERYONE has an accent? So, then you go home  (on the bus, no less!)  and write disparaging (look It up) comments about people while hiding behind your own funny little obscure language no one can understand?  I’m sure your countrymen must be very proud of you perpetuating the image of the timid little mouse who in reality is a vitriolic snake like some of your other Swedish colleagues in LA pretending to be’legitimate’ journalists. I hope you have a Plan B concerning your income – publicists will be thrilled to see how you utilize these junkets. And very brave of you to comment on other people’s appearance when we can see pictures of what you look like. Obviously, you have a good sense of humor! You’ll need it.  I’m sure you’ll be very popular when you enter the next hospitality suite – your blog is being circulated as a warning to other journalists who have the misfortune to sit with you on roundtables, so that they will be aware that, in fact, they are the subject of your next story.   Â
Anonymous, 10:22 pm March 14, 2010:
Dear Shy Foreigner,
You have been biting the hand that has feeds for the last three years. These journalists you mock have afforded you an income and a slot on the roundtables. As you admit, you are unable to ask questions, so therefore you need the journalists who do their job (and yours apparently) and without them you’d be in another line of business (I could make some suggestions)
If I were you, I’d sit in a quiet room and think about all those ‘observations’ you’ve made over the last few years, particularly towards the journalists you have named in previous blogs, and write them a personal email expressing your gratitude for them in doing your job for you, and apologize for your humiliating comments.
I will then retire from the junket police force.
Anonymous, 10:22 pm March 14, 2010:
Dear Shy Foreigner,
You have been biting the hand that has feeds for the last three years. These journalists you mock have afforded you an income and a slot on the roundtables. As you admit, you are unable to ask questions, so therefore you need the journalists who do their job (and yours apparently) and without them you’d be in another line of business (I could make some suggestions)
If I were you, I’d sit in a quiet room and think about all those ‘observations’ you’ve made over the last few years, particularly towards the journalists you have named in previous blogs, and write them a personal email expressing your gratitude for them in doing your job for you, and apologize for your humiliating comments.
I will then retire from the junket police force.
Jessica, 11:55 am March 30, 2010:
Dear Caroline,
please ignore the above comments. If anything the commentators have proven themselves to be unable to understand irony and incapable of grasping how your original text and whatever google translation has them thinking the text says apparently have very little in common. If you google translate something from a language you don’t understand at all, into a language that you, at best, have a tenuous grasp on, then misunderstandings are bound to happen.
To react to these misunderstandings in the bellicose and vitriolic way the posters have, shows a deeper problem than a mere “lost in translation” could possibly warrant, unless they instead of google translate used the less known “Yo momma” translator. 😉 The references to appearance and accents makes it very clear that this is a situation of “Read, but didn’t understand”.
If anything, circulating your well written and very entertaining blog to people who have the ability to understand it can only serve as good exposure to your good self, whereas any attempt at childish ostracising can, and will, only reflect badly on anyone attempting such a thing. (Although I doubt that the posters are journalists at all so they probably don’t have that option anyway.)
Not to mention the fact that anyone reading your “circulated” blog would be bound to come across the above comments. There is no way anyone is stupid enough to out themselves as their author by making a scene as that would reflect very poorly on themselves.
Please keep going to junkets and report them back in your unique and entertaining style. In fact, please consider an English language side blog as I am certain that UK readers would appreciate your wit.
Kind Regards,
Jessica L. UK
Jessica, 11:55 am March 30, 2010:
Dear Caroline,
please ignore the above comments. If anything the commentators have proven themselves to be unable to understand irony and incapable of grasping how your original text and whatever google translation has them thinking the text says apparently have very little in common. If you google translate something from a language you don’t understand at all, into a language that you, at best, have a tenuous grasp on, then misunderstandings are bound to happen.
To react to these misunderstandings in the bellicose and vitriolic way the posters have, shows a deeper problem than a mere “lost in translation” could possibly warrant, unless they instead of google translate used the less known “Yo momma” translator. 😉 The references to appearance and accents makes it very clear that this is a situation of “Read, but didn’t understand”.
If anything, circulating your well written and very entertaining blog to people who have the ability to understand it can only serve as good exposure to your good self, whereas any attempt at childish ostracising can, and will, only reflect badly on anyone attempting such a thing. (Although I doubt that the posters are journalists at all so they probably don’t have that option anyway.)
Not to mention the fact that anyone reading your “circulated” blog would be bound to come across the above comments. There is no way anyone is stupid enough to out themselves as their author by making a scene as that would reflect very poorly on themselves.
Please keep going to junkets and report them back in your unique and entertaining style. In fact, please consider an English language side blog as I am certain that UK readers would appreciate your wit.
Kind Regards,
Jessica L. UK
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